
April 4th, 2022

Time (UK Summer time) Speaker Topic
2.00 pm Cecilia Laschi Welcome and introduction to the workshop
Session 1 Modelling internal interactions in soft robots Chair: Federico Renda
2.15 Federico Renda Introduction to session topic
2.30 Gregory Scott Chirikjian Modelling local volume preservation
2.45 Frederic Boyer Statics and dynamics of continuum and soft robots based on Cosserat rods and optimal control theories
3.00 Christian Duriez Computational models for soft robotics
3.15 Katia Bertoldi Modelling soft material behavior
Session 2 Modelling external interactions in soft robots Chair: Gianmarco Mengaldo
3.30 Gianmarco Mengaldo Introduction to session topic
3.45 Moritz Baecher Design and Control of Soft Robots using Differentiable Simulation
4.00-4.30 COFFEE BREAK (synchronized with other workshops)    
Session 2 cntd Modelling external interactions in soft robots Chair: Gianmarco Mengaldo
4.30 Francesco Giorgio-Serchi The simple elastohydrodynamics of pulsatile systems: lesson learnt for soft hydraulic actuators
4.45 Steve Brunton Modeling flow physics
Abstract Session    
5.00 Hongying Zhang, National University of Singapore Mechanics Modeling of Origami Robots
5.03 Zhiwu Zheng, Prakhar Kumar, Yenan Chen, Hsin Cheng, Sigurd Wagner, Minjie Chen, Naveen Verma and James C. Sturm, Princeton University, USA Simulation and Demonstration of Planar Piezoelectric Soft Robots
5.06 Chenying Liu, Zhong You and Perla Maiolino, University of Oxford, UK Kinematics of An Origami Inspired Millipede Robot
5.09 Pablo E. Tortós Vinocour, Shouta Kokubu, Yuxi Lu, Yuanyuan Wang, Zhou Zhongchao and Wenwei Yu, Chiba University, Japan Development of a Finite Element Model of a Soft Pneumatic Actuator and MCP Joint Complex Methodology for Soft Continuum Robots
5.12 Jialei Shi and Helge A. Wurdemann, University College London, UK A Configuration-based Compliance Modelling and Analysis
5.15 Maximilian Stolzle and Cosimo Della Santina, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Piston-Driven Pneumatically-Actuated Soft Robots: modeling and backstepping control
5.18 Amirreza F. Golestaneh, Gianmarco Mengaldo, Jonathan Lim Ming En, Adamya Dhaker Singh (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Chandraveer Saran (Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India), Cecilia Laschi, National University of Singapore Quasi-static continuum model of octopus arm configuration under water
5.21 Mikel De Iturrate Reyzabal, Zicon Wu, S.M. Hadi Sadati, Hongbin Liu, Sebastien Ourselin, Daniel Leff (The Hamlyn Centre for Robotics Surgery), Kawal Rhode, Christos Bergeles, King’s College London, UK Finite-Element Dynamics of a Tendon-driven Eversion Growing (Vine) Robot Using SOFA-Framework
5.24 Stefan Escaida Navarro A toolbox for parametrized design and sensorization of a soft finger using FEM-based modeling
Discussion Session All  
5.30 Moderator Discussion points
5.35 All speakers and participants Plenary discussion